Learn how to integrate the Cucumber framework with Spring Boot integration tests and collect reports in a Jenkins pipeline for behavior-driven testing.
To keep Docker image management easy, someone built a Nexus CLI to clean up old Docker Images. See how to use it and consider helping out with the project on GitHub.
When it comes to bringing microservices to the JVM, it's hard to go wrong with Akka and its actor model. Let's see how they contribute to microservices adoption.
Do you have a Java app that runs fine at first but slows down after a while? Or, perhaps it runs fine for a small number of files but performance degrades when the number of files increases? You might have a memory leak...
Part of being a performance tester is knowing all the tools at your disposal. Learn how to get a project up and running with this open source testing tool.
Software development is still evolving, so your testing tools should be as well. Upgrade your toolset by checking out the features of these popular frameworks.