There are a number of container orchestration players out there, but see how one company narrowed the field to Kubernetes and Mesos (DC/OS) and which one won.
Thinking about services while designing your monolith can help you build a monolith that can expand to services later, leading to better feature velocity early on.
This overview covers five ways you can bind properties from external sources in your Spring Boot apps, including array-, map-, and nested property-based binding.
A former JAX-RS aficionado discusses why he's switched his allegiance to Spring MVC for creating Spring Boot web apps, and gives some example code to help make his point.
Ensuring your Java application is running at peak performance can take some effort. Here's how you can help ensure the performance of your Java application is top notch.
When adhering to the SOLID programming principles, Single Responsibility can be a bit tricky. Find out why and how to better understand this oft-misunderstood concept.