Here's just about everything you could want to know about your favorite packaging techniques for Java—skinny JARs, fat/uber JARs, thin JARS, and hollow JARs.
Bootstrapping a configuration server with Spring Cloud Config Server MongoDB is just a matter of three steps. Learn what they are and look at a usage example!
This quick walkthrough will show you how to dockerize and run an Angular2 app in a container on your local machine, with frequently used Docker commands.
MuleSoft platforms act differently for RAML specifications 0.8 and 1.0. This is important to know for developers using Mule; take a look at the details here.
In this article, we briefly introduce Pushpin, a proxy server for creating Realtime APIs and push notifications, and explain how to use it with your web app.
Learn how to use Portworx on an AWS Kubernetes cluster using kops to bootstrap the cluster, with a focus on running a MySQL server and dealing with a failover scenario.
Use Spring Data JPA with Liquibase and PostgreSQL to manage the persistence layer of Spring Boot apps, and Project Lombok to avoid writing boilerplate code.
This post explores how an enterprise relying on older software can deliver continued innovation with multi-speed IT using a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).