Weird situations arise sometimes with web applications. Come have a look at how you might overcome these situations when you need to replace text like IP addresses or files with NGINX!
Go is an excellent choice for building fast and scalable API's. The net/http package provides most of what you need, but augmented with the Gorilla Toolkit, you'll have an API up and running in no time. Learn how to build and secure a Go API with JSON Web Tokens and consume it via a modern UI built with React.
Code that makes use of external dependencies can be difficult to test. If you are using AWS, then you have no doubt run into issues in testing your code. This article takes you through how to get around this little hurdle by using AWS Stubs if you are using Ruby.
There are multiple ways to monitor Docker containers. This blog post will explain a few simple and easy to use options. Read on for further explanation and analysis.