Everybody loves the Singleton because, conceptually, it seems the easiest of the lot to understand and (in most post-1995 languages) the easiest to implement. But everybody hates it because its singleton-y nature means it is a natural target for concurrency problems.
"Big data" and "data lake" only have meaning to an organization’s vision when they solve business problems by enabling data democratization, re-use, exploration, and analytics. Read on to learn what a data lake is, its various benefits, and what's to come.
If you need to use pagination in your Redis app, there are a couple of strategies you can use to achieve the necessary functionality. While pagination can be challenging, a quick overview of each of these techniques should be helpful in making your job of choosing a method and implementing it a little easier.
System logs are now being generated from more sources than ever, each one as crucial as the last. Can traditional processing and architecture handle this growing and changing scale? Or is there a better fit?
In this article, we are going to learn how to call Web API using HttpClient. Normally, we call a Web API either from jQuery Ajax or from Angular JS, right? Recently, I came across a need for calling our Web API from the server side itself. Let me show you how it's done.