Microservices architecture has established itself as a quasi-standard and is deployed in many projects. How do they influence the lifecycle of an application?
In part 2 of an experiment with FerretDB and CockroachDB, restore a MongoDB collection into CockroachDB via FerretDB, and expand on previous learnings.
White box testing is a technique that permits testers to examine and verify the inner workings of a software system. Learn the types, techniques, pros, and cons.
Journey through the transition of a world without clouds into a cloud-native development world. What does this mean for developers and what are some challenges?
Running a database server is an expensive undertaking requiring a lot of effort. Managed cloud database services offer several options, but which one is best?
Fact: the state of pull requests is broken and we finally have the data to prove it. In this interview, learn about a proposed solution: continuous merge.