A simple Spring Boot application with Data JPA (Hibernate) using embedded Hazelcast for the second-level cache with the support of the Kubernetes cluster.
WebAuthn is the FIDO Protocol that defines a passwordless means of authentication. This article gives a rundown of the process and how the user sees it.
This is yet another part of an interesting experiment with FerretDB and CockroachDB. This time, we're going to expand on the previous articles by looking at the multi-region capabilities in CockroachDB.
Read about how to solo stake on Ethereum after The Merge, considerations and things to be aware of leading up to The Merge, and how to stay up to date.
Learn about Infura's recent announcement of a decentralized infrastructure protocol, what it entails, and how it will affect Web3 users and devs alike.
This post has provided an in-depth guide on how to organize the maintenance of a Citus cluster with Flyway, including common practices, pitfalls, and workarounds.