Container images are typically built from a base image, so it is extremely important to ensure that base images do not contain any vulnerabilities and are secure.
Learn how Cypress compares to Selenium, a better choice in the software testing world, in terms of speed test, architecture, language support, and much more.
Choosing the right event streaming approach is critical for enterprise architects and application developers. These technologies will help apps scale up around data.
A robust AI system deals with the knowledge that comes with the data in which philosophy is needed to analyze that knowledge and offer valuable insights.
Both Kafka and Docker are pretty complex technologies, and it can be difficult to determine where to get started once you’re sure that they’re the right fit for the problem you’re solving. To keep things simple for this tutorial, we’ll create one producer, one consumer, and one Kafka instance.
Kubernetes is not a secure platform. It lacks native tooling to handle most security-related tasks. This article list security principles to secure a cluster.