We go over the top reasons why change management has long been technology’s least favorite process and some successful ways to implement technical change management.
We will walk through commonly used Redis data structures such as String, Hash, List, etc. The Redis client used in the sample code exposes both high and low-level APIs.
This article shows you how simple it is to deploy a MuleSoft Application on Cloudhub with the help of Jenkins. This process is something we call a CI/CD process.
A developer and DZone Core member gives an in-depth tutorial on how to create a web application using the Go language, the Gin web framework, and Heroku.
This article provides a methodology for cloud assessment, strategy, and migration including info on 7R methodology, assessment, and target cloud architecture.
In this article, we are going to discuss the combination of Camel components and Kafka which has made integrations with Kafka even more easy, stable, and versatile.
FileSource and FileSink Connector can be leveraged for streaming data from a text file to a multi-broker Apache topic and subsequently sink to another file.
With cloud storage becoming a widespread solution for businesses, it’s important to perform reliable scans to identify threats and prevent further infection.