Spring Cloud Gateway can help implement the gateway pattern for your API, especially in a microservices environment. Learn how to make use of it by way of an example.
If you've heard the buzz about Jenkins for CI/CD and want to get started, this guide will teach you all the steps (and workarounds for problems) you'll need.
As containers take root, dozens of tools have sprung up to support them. Check out your options for orchestration, CI/CD, logging, monitoring, and more!
Let's take a look at a possible blockchain implementation using Java. We build up from first principles and develop some code to help show how it all fits together.
pt-table-checksum is a robust tool that validates data between master/slaves in a replication environment. However, in some scenarios, the task can be quite challenging.
Learn how to easily run an HA MongoDB container on Kubernetes using Portworx for replication, snapshots, backups, volume resizing, and even encryption.