MySQL manages primary keys as clustered indexes. That means you're looking a performance hit with some synthetic primary keys. Here's when to avoid them.
Freescale and NXP combined last year. A result? Their newly released MCUXpresso IDE. See the latest features, ranging from more intuitive tools to debug probe discovery.
In this post we take a look at how to quickly create a Python function using AWS Lambda, including their configurations and uploading them to the service.
Learn about dissecting release pipelines, as well as the underlying blocks that any good release pipeline will be comprised of and how they fit together.
You can augment and enhance Apache Spark clusters using Amazon EC2's computing resources. Find out how to set up clusters and run master and slave daemons on one node.
Learn how to make sense of IaaS architecture, identifying API usage in apps, monitoring external services, dependencies, and APIs, and tackling dependencies.
When it comes to integrating and managing data, there are quite a few tasks that are downright tedious. Data engineering is a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it!
You've written an awesome article, and now you need an equally awesome image. In this article, we share suggestions for selecting the right featured photo for your post.
There are a few ways you can set up your own tests for Data Transfer Objects and REST Controllers in Spring Boot, removing the need to manually test everything yourself.
Set up your pipeline so that when changes occur to a project in the monorepo, the CI for that corresponding project is triggered and a Docker image is built and deployed.
Running tests that involve a database can sometimes be a bit hairy. In this post, we take a look at a TestContainers, a solution to help you get around those issues.
Ever wondered how to organize your methods inside a class? Or maybe you left it to common sense and random gut feelings. Worry not, here comes the stepdown rule!
You've got three ways. The first one is the standard one following docker-compose conventions. The other ones can be used for defining reusable pieces for your tests.
You can use cloud tools to spice up your ASP.NET Core app. Azure Active Directories can help with user authentication and to customize usernames for a nicer appearance.
We link Docker containers with each other to enable communication between them or to be sure that all of the tools and microservices are running on the same machine.