RetroPie is great for your retro gaming needs, but unfortunately, N64 ROM performance is decidedly hit or miss. The Runcommand Launch allows emulator-switching, for selection of the best emulator for a specific ROM. Check out how to install additional emulators, boot into the Runcommand menu, and see a user-aggregated list of ROM performance.
Recently, AWS announced that they’ve added support for triggering AWS Lambda functions into AWS CodePipeline–AWS’ Continuous Delivery service. In this article, I’ll describe how I codified the provisioning of all of the AWS resources in the documentation using CloudFormation.
Service discovery is crucial to service-oriented architecture, and distributed systems. Here's a look at service discovery with NGINX Plus and Consul, a service discovery tool.
Let's look at how we can make a solid end-to-end code review process with continuous monitoring in place and deliver high quality products using some of the tools like Git, Stash, Jenkins, SonarQube, JaCoCo & Ant/Maven for a Java-based product, for example.
Check out this tutorial on how to get OpenShift up and running and get a development environment setup in which we can simply push Docker images to it without having to use any of the Source-2-Image or OpenShift build mechanisms.