A brilliant from-the-start introduction to using Spring Boot on Docker. This article even takes you through what Docker is so you've no excuse not to give it a whirl.
MUnit is a Mule application testing framework which allows us to easily build automated tests. With MUnit, we can create Mule tests by writing common Java code.
Let’s be honest: most students need to save as much money as they can! Fortunately, many popular applications offer discounted or free access for students.
Service discovery is vital in large system deployments. Learn how to use Docker and Consul to help your deployments run more smoothly and get home at a decent hour.
Cloud-based infrastructure, containers, microservices, and new programming platforms are dominating the media and sweeping across IT departments around the world.
Weird situations arise sometimes with web applications. Come have a look at how you might overcome these situations when you need to replace text like IP addresses or files with NGINX!