This quick example demonstrates the usage of Docker Compose co-ordinating an Oracle NoSQL container and a dependent container running its (Java) client.
Neo4j has just released a new version of APOC, everyone's favorite stored procedure library for Neo4j 3.x. Come find out what's new and what it means for you!
In this post, we will explore how to integrate the Audit Trail plugin with CloudBees Jenkins Analytics to provide a centralized audit dashboard of audit activity.
See how you can set up your own system using a combination of microservices, containers, Go, and MongoDB. In this scenario, see a fictional movie theater come to life.
In this article, I will guide you through the process of installing the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch 2.2.x, Logstash 2.2.x and Kibana 4.4.x) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Here is a promising tool for source code editing across platforms and multiple languages. It's loaded with features and a clean uncluttered interface. And it's free and open source!