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Apache Cassandra combines the benefits of major NoSQL databases to support data management needs not covered by traditional RDBMS vendors.
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Modern API Management
When assessing prominent topics across DZone — and the software engineering space more broadly — it simply felt incomplete to conduct research on the larger impacts of data and the cloud without talking about such a crucial component of modern software architectures: APIs. Communication is key in an era when applications and data capabilities are growing increasingly complex. Therefore, we set our sights on investigating the emerging ways in which data that would otherwise be isolated can better integrate with and work alongside other app components and across systems.For DZone's 2024 Modern API Management Trend Report, we focused our research specifically on APIs' growing influence across domains, prevalent paradigms and implementation techniques, security strategies, AI, and automation. Alongside observations from our original research, practicing tech professionals from the DZone Community contributed articles addressing key topics in the API space, including automated API generation via no and low code; communication architecture design among systems, APIs, and microservices; GraphQL vs. REST; and the role of APIs in the modern cloud-native landscape.
Kubernetes in the Enterprise
Kubernetes: it’s everywhere. To fully capture or articulate the prevalence and far-reaching impacts of this monumental platform is no small task — from its initial aims to manage and orchestrate containers to the more nuanced techniques to scale deployments, leverage data and AI/ML capabilities, and manage observability and performance — it’s no wonder we, DZone, research and cover the Kubernetes ecosystem at great lengths each year.In our 2023 Kubernetes in the Enterprise Trend Report, we further dive into Kubernetes over the last year, its core usages as well as emerging trends (and challenges), and what these all mean for our developer and tech community. Featured in this report are actionable observations from our original research, expert content written by members of the DZone Community, and other helpful resources to help you go forth in your organizations, projects, and repos with deeper knowledge of and skills for using Kubernetes.
Database Systems
This data-forward, analytics-driven world would be lost without its database and data storage solutions. As more organizations continue to transition their software to cloud-based systems, the growing demand for database innovation and enhancements has climbed to novel heights. We are upon a new era of the "Modern Database," where databases must both store data and ensure that data is prepped and primed securely for insights and analytics, integrity and quality, and microservices and cloud-based architectures.In our 2023 Database Systems Trend Report, we explore these database trends, assess current strategies and challenges, and provide forward-looking assessments of the database technologies most commonly used today. Further, readers will find insightful articles — written by several of our very own DZone Community experts — that cover hand-selected topics, including what "good" database design is, database monitoring and observability, and how to navigate the realm of cloud databases.
Enterprise Application Integration
As with most 2022 trends in the development world, discussions around integration focus on the same topic: speed. What are the common integration patterns and anti-patterns, and how do they help or hurt overall operational efficiency? The theme of speed is what we aim to cover in DZone’s 2022 "Enterprise Application Integration" Trend Report. Through our expert articles, we offer varying perspectives on cloud-based integrations vs. on-premise models, how organizational culture impacts successful API adoption, the different use cases for GraphQL vs. REST, and why the 2020s should now be considered the "Events decade." The goal of this Trend Report is to provide you with diverse perspectives on integration and allow you to decide which practices are best for your organization.
Apr 25, 2023 · Saurabh Dashora
The whole point of this approach is to not rely on auto scaling.
That’s why it should only be used in mission critical scenarios where cost becomes a secondary concern.
Jan 13, 2023 · Saurabh Dashora
Yes...distributed transactions is a huge topic in itself. Would try to cover it as a follow-up part...Thanks
Feb 08, 2022 · Saurabh Dashora
May 04, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Hi...yes you are correct. Saga is not a new pattern per se. However, with Microservices gaining popularity, it has again started gaining traction to solve some specific challenges with microservices architecture
May 04, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Very happy that you liked it. I have built an example Saga application using Axon Framework. Axon basically takes care of the distributed part. If you are interested in reading about the implementation you can head over to the below link:
May 04, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Glad you liked it. If you are looking for an example implementation, its there on my Github repo. Also, description is on below link:
Apr 15, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Hi Lachlan,
From Axon 4.* onwards, Axon framework also has something called Axon Server. If you are using Axon Server, then the DOMAIN_EVENT_ENTRY table is not created in the application specific database.
You can check out my below post about how to work with Axon version 4.0
Mar 07, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
When the application is built, Angular will bundle all the artifacts. The HTML in this case is handled by the JS and hence it goes with the .js bundle. When the javascript runs in the browser, it renders the appropriate html based on the logic. So if a particular component is to be shown, its HTML is rendered.
Mar 06, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
If you take the example of angular 2+ versions, the index.html has the app-root component. This is the root component that is defined. In the same index.html, you can also notice a bunch of other of other javascript files that are loaded. This files are created when we build our application or use ng serve. They contain all the code we have written for our app. When the root component is loaded via the bootstrapping process, all the other components/template files that are in the heirarchy also become part of the index.html
Mar 06, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Yes Adam...great point...you can optimize your module loads to reduce the initial load. In Angular you have a very robust module system to achieve this. In React, you can use something like react-loadable that allows chunking of the js file into smaller files based on your application routes.
Mar 06, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Hi...when you build a typical single-page app for prod, you basically end up with a js bundle, a css bundle and the index.html. These are the files that are served by the server when the client (or the browser) makes the initial request. The js is responsible for manipulating the DOM as per the application logic. If any back-end data is required, only that data is fetched by the javascript code and the HTML is generated and rendered by the browser on-the-fly.
Hope it answers your query.
Mar 06, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Hi...I understand where you are coming from...SPAs definitely push a lot more responsibility on the developer to design it correctly...
Mar 06, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Hey Steven
Used Axon 4.0.3 and it worked gr8!
Wrote a couple of posts on the same...one by disabling Axon Server and other using Axon Server. Thought you might be interested
Feb 16, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Hi Bailey...glad to hear the article helped you.
Feb 14, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
In an ideal world, the event store should not directly be exposed to other microservices. The event store data should be provided to the users via specific Query Views. Most of the read requirements anyways are around the current data of the aggregate instance.
Feb 12, 2019 · Frans van Buul
Hi Frans,
Great thoughts. And I can definitely vouch for Axon Framework. It has been a great choice for implementing Event Sourcing and CQRS.
Feb 12, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Thanks for the input and yes I agree about using double for money. However, the objective of this post was to just demonstrate a sample for event sourcing.
Feb 11, 2019 · Saurabh Dashora
Not yet! It's definitely on my to-do list for the next iteration on this topic.