Indexers are properties that allow you to index instances of a class like arrays by using the [] notation. In this article, learn how to use them in JavaScript.
This article discusses the log shipping configuration for SQL Server disaster recovery. Let's understand log shipping and how it increases database availability
Summary of the annotations we should use in each testing scenario using JUnit 5 and Spring Test Framework to eliminate redundant annotations and negative outputs.
In this post, we will learn about the basic NestJS Swagger Configuration. Learn how to configure swagger for NestJS to effectively document API endpoints
In this article, we'll discuss building cloud backend service integration/ HTTP service with Ballerina and how to send and retrieve data from a Ballerina service.
Micro Frontend considers web applications as a collection of features controlled by separate teams. Here is a step-by-step how to build a micro frontend based on Angular.
In part 1 of this series, we set up the Nest.js framework, configured, and tested the microservice application using Nest.js. Today, we'll cover the database setup.
In this post, we will discuss the alternative method for converting a table stored in an Oracle database to XML format and exporting it as an XML file.
Take a look at the new tools launched by the Amazon Alexa team for Visual Studio Code, and learn how to have a full development environment with these tools.
In Kubernetes, Pods are the single deployable units. If an application is to be deployed, it must be so in a Pod as a container. Learn how to use multi-container pods.