The mapObject DataWeave function transform data contained in an object. It iterates over each key/value pair, applies a transformation to each key, and outputs an object.
Learn how you can build a DIY 360° camera robot with Rasberry Pi that can help businesses adapt to the new workflows required by COVID-19 restrictions.
Get to know how to use Cassandra with Java, the applicability with Cassandra, and several Java Frameworks such as Hibernate, Spring, Quarkus, Jakarta EE, and so on.
Here, we look at the origin of deadlocks, consider a method for discovering deadlocks in existing code, and learn how to design a deadlock-free synchronization.
Bulk data processing usually performs asynchronous due to the transitional engine capabilities. Batch processing is suitable for optimizing the execution of high-volume repetitive tasks.
In this article, I created a prototype to demonstrate how to handle large rows in a decision table with reasonable performance. This is part 3 of the series.
Event streaming with Apache Kafka in the retail industry facilitates real-time omnichannel, Customer 360, inventory management, recommendations, and more.
Scaling micro-frontends using Angular elements: Hosting on Azure cloud. The micro-frontends architecture creates a buzz in the web app development world.
This Article Series Focuses on Algorithms, Data Structures, or Applying them to Problem Solving. In this Article, We Discuss the Solution to [Monkeys in the Garden] Problem from Techgig.