Jenkins' Pipeline Plugin offers a simple way to configure all steps in the same place. You can do almost everything inside your pipeline without any additional plugins.
Streams are an important functional approach that can impact performance via parallelism, augment and convert data structures, and add new tools to your kit.
When we tried to restore a failed procedure, we got an error saying that the BINLOG statement couldn't be used to apply Query events. The workaround is simple.
Importing CSVs is a great timesaver, but how do you get around the null values lurking within? Fortunately, we can work our way toward a query that handles them in Neo4j.
In this post, we tackle the question of how to quickly and easily upload files to a server using Node.js, without writing a single line of server side code.
This comprehensive guide will walk you through every step you need to take to create and configure editable tables in JavaFX, including handling a bug in the code.
Accessing and configuring your MS SQL Server instance is pretty simple if you're using Spring Boot. After a bit of legwork, Spring fills in the defaults for you.
If you want to use SAS SQL for your queries, there are some subtle syntax differences that you might not be ready for. Here's how to use some core joins.
Interfaces have seen massive improvements since they were first brought out. Combined with method definitions, you've got a lot of flexibility on your hands.
Want to incorporate a rules engine into your work? Drools might be more than you need, and Easy Rules might have too much ceremony for you. Enter RuleBook.
Java's Scanner class, and the occasional bit of RegEx, makes parsing text trivial. You can put this to good use in a number of ways, which we'll dive into here.