Spring's @Transactional is very popular among developers. Yet, many of them are unaware of its weird exception handling convention, which can lead to inconsistent data.
Docker Swarm makes it relatively easy to scale apps. With the help of Terraform and Packer, you can set up scaling for an app using cloud-native infrastructure.
Kotlin has many benefits, including an IntelliJ/Android Studio Plugin. Adding the plugin to a new Android project and converting your code from Java to Kotlin is easy.
The Gang of Four's design patterns are akin to legend, so let's walk through some examples of the Observer, Factory, Command, Singleton, Decorator, and Factory Patterns.
If you're working on a small project or don't have the funds to pay for an automated bug tracking solution, you can create your own bug tracker in your JS source code.
With some tweaking, you can get JavaFX to compile nice-looking charts with a few animations baked in. Configuring them takes a bit of work, but it's worth it.
Using Spring Data with Cassandra 3 extends Spring's power into more NoSQL. This detailed tutorial includes setting up Apache Cassandra and some basic interactions.
Need to speed up your NGINX installation? Implement caching. This allows NGINX Plus to respond directly to clients and reduces the load on the origin server.
Using Anypoint Platform, you can develop a full cycle of API applications. Using RAML, you can define your service’s APIs, build an app, and share the API.
Spring Boot, Maven, and Tomcat can form a powerful alliance. This sample web app shows the interplay between them and how you can easily configure them for your needs.
Sibanjan Das offers up a tutorial for building a web-based cluster and prediction analysis application through using R with the open source Shiny framework. Oh yeah, and he embedded the app directly into this DZone article... shine on you crazy data scientist.
SonarQube (and the SonarGraph plugin) can automatically scan your code base for cyclic dependencies. Their combined power replaces some lost functionality.
Chatbots continue to work their way into ever-more solutions, but how should we evaluate their effectiveness? In this post we take a look at a potential framework for doing just that.
If functional programming has your attention, let's start with the basics: functions. You can store functions as objects, take them as arguments, return them, and more.