Avoid having too many input and output devices on your workbench by using a virtual network computing server, and an accompanying viewer, and a Rasbperry Pi.
The ForkJoin pool was put into place to support parallel streams. Get a look at how the pool works and how the work-stealing algorithm help divide up tasks.
Take a look at how to marshal and unmarshal your Java objects and XML data with JAXB 2.0, a useful tool for generating XML schemas from Java code and vice-versa.
If you use a vSphere infrastructure, then vCheck can help. The vCheck framework is designed to run checks against your infrastructure to determine operational issues.
You can programmatically reconfigure a log manager via Spring and load your own log4j2.xml file from a defined path, forcing your Mule app to pick the file from any location.
The ZipKin distributed tracing system is great for testing latency issues, but by default, it doesn't persist the traces. Fortunately, you can fix that with Cassandra and MySQL.