In the final article to his comprehensive series on learning Oracle JET, Chris Muir goes over the Oracle JET Common Model & Collection API, a client-side JavaScript API for accessing remote REST web services and plugging them into our JET UI components.
Using a poor-quality server wastes everyone's time because the build takes too long to finish, resulting in intermittent test results and frustrated engineers.
Apache Lucene's indexing and searching capabilities make it attractive for any number of uses—development or academic. See an example of how the search engine works.
Groovy operator overloading is fairly straightforward, but there are some oddities with the ++ and -- operators to be aware of. Also, never return "this". Ever.
Anyone who tried to develop Spring applications in Kotlin must have stumbled across the requirement to making everything open. Fortunately, there's a plugin for that.
Time to take a look at a new feature in Python, namely ''syntax for variable annotations.'' We'll take a look at what this is along with some examples.
There are many paid email services out there that offer various integration features. However, most of the time, they aren’t 100% customizable to one’s requirements.
Agile methodology implies an iterative and incremental method of management. Agile project management produces higher product quality, reduced risks, and more.
Once you've mastered the basics of cache abstraction with Spring, consider moving onto Hazelcast for more options while incorporating a time-to-live policy.