Notes from Troy Hunt's Hack Yourself First Workshop
Troy Hunt (@troyhunt, blog) had a great, very hands-on 2-day workshop about webapp security at NDC Oslo. Here are my notes. Highlights – resources Personal security and privacy – a Prepaid Virtual Visa Card – tmp email f-secure VPN – scan a site for issues (insecure cookies, framework disclosure, SQL injection, …) (lot of $k) Site security – get reports when CSP rules violated; also displays CSP headers for a site in a human-friendly way check quality of headers wrt security free SSL –, (also provides web app firewall and other protections) ; SSL quality check: – free, automated, open Certificate Authority (Linux Found., Mozilla) Breaches etc. – one of ppl behind . experts panel. Team Hashcat. To follow ! ! ! ! (of F-Secure) also great [TED] talks kevin mitnick (jailed for hacking; twitter, books) Books – easy read, hard to put down – about Mitnick’s hacking, social engineering, living on the run ? Mitnick: – social engineering Other See – Havij example,,, Googlee: find config files with SA access info: `inurl:ftp inurl:web.config filetype:config sa` and – prevent MITM wappalyzer chrome plugin displaying info about the server and client that can be detected (jQuery, NewRelic, IIS, win OS, …) tool: extract plaintexts passwords, hash, PIN code and kerberos tickets from memory on Windows Notes – an example app with many vulnerabilities Note: maximizing your browser window will share info about your screen size, which might help to identify you – Troy’s online DB of hacked accounts Tips check robots.txt to know what to access Example Issues no https on login page insecure psw requirements cookies not secure flag => sent over http incl. AuthCookie) psw sent in clear text in confirm email user enumeration, f.eks. an issue with AdultFriendFinder – entry someone’s email to login to find out whether they’ve an account post illegal chars, get them displayed => injection no anti-automation (captcha) login confirm. email & autom. creating 1m accounts => sending 1m emails => pisses ppl off, likely increase one’s spam reputation (=> harder to send emails) brute-force protection? ### XSS Reflected XSS: display unescaped user input Encoding context: HTML, JS, CSS … have diff. escape sequences for the same char (e.g. <) – look at where they’re mixed Check the encoding consistency – manual encoding, omitting some chars JS => load ext resources, access cookies, manipulate the DOM Task: stal authCookie via search ### SQL injection Error-based injection: when the DB helps us by telling us what is wrong -> use ti learn more and even show some data Ex.: <—— supercarid is a column name orderby=(select * from userprofile) … learn about DB sructure, force an exception that shows the valueex.: (select top 1 cast(password) as int from userprofile) => “Conversion failed for the nvar value ‘passw0rd …’” Tips think of SQL commands that disclose structure: sys.(tables,columns), system commands enumerate records: nest queries: select top X ows asc then top 1 rows from that desc write out how you think the query works / is being constructed internally cast things to invalid types to disclose values in err msgs (or implicit cast due to -1 ..) #### Defenses whitelist input data types (id=123 => onlyallow ints) enumerable values – check against an appropr. whitelist if the value is stored – who uses it, how? making query/insertion safe permissions: give read-only permissions as much as possible; don’t use admin user from your webapp ### Mobile apps Look at HTTP req for sensitive data – creds, account, … Apps may ignore certificate validations In your app: param tampering, auth bypass, direct object refs Weak often: airlines, small scale shops, fast foods, … Tips certificate pining – the app has the fingerprint of the server cert. hardcoded and doesn’t trust even “valid” MITM certificate (banks, dropbox, …)x ### CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery = make the user send a request => their auth cookie included async Ajax req to another site forbidden but that doesn’t apply to normal post Protection anti-forgery tags ### Understanding fwrk disclosure -> search for “drupal 7” -> pwn How disclosed: headers familiar signs – jsessionid cookie for java, … The default error and 404 responses may help to recognize the fwr HTML code (reactid), “.do” for Sttruts implicit: order of headers (Apache x IIS), paths (capitalized?), response to improper HTTP version/protocol, => likely still possible to figure out the stack but not possible to simple search for fwrk+version ### Session hijacking Steal authentication cookie => use for illegal requests. Persistence over HTTP of auth., session: cookie, URL (but URL insecure – can be shared) Session/auth ID retrieval: insecure transport, referrer, stored in exceptions, XSS Factors limiting hijacking: short duration expiry, keyed to client device / IP (but IPs may rotate, esp, on mobile devices => be very cautious) DAY 2 ——– ### Cracking passwords Password hashing: salt: so that 2 ppl choosing the same psw will have a different hash => cracking is # salts * # passwords inst. of just N has cracking tips: character space Dictionary: passw0rd, … Mutations: manipulation and subst. of characters Tips: 1Password , LastPass, …. GPU ~ 100* faster than CPU #### Ex: Crack with hashcat common psw dict + md5-hashed passwords => crack ./hashcat-cli64.bin –hash-type=0 StratforHashes.txt # 23M psw dict -> Recovered.: 44 326/860 160 hashes [obs duplications] in 4 min (speed 135.35k plains) Q: What dictionary we use? Do we apply any mutations to it? ### Account enumeration = Does XY have an account? Multiple vectors (psw reset, register a new user with the same e-mail, …) Anti-automation: is there any? It may be inconsistent across vectors Does it matter? (<> privacy needs) How to “ask” the site and how to identify + and – responses? Timing attacks: distinguish positive x negative response based on the latency differing between the two ### HTTPS Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity Traffic hijacking: [a href=""] – wifi hotspot with evil capabilities monitor probe requests (the phone looks for networks it knows), present yourself as one of those, the phone connects autom. (if no encryption) Consider everything sent over HTTP to be compromised Look at HTTPS content embedded in untrusted pages (iframes, links) – e.g. payment page embedded in http Links HSTS Preload – tell Chrome, FF that your site should only be ever loaded over HTTPS – header ### Content Scurity Policy header See e.g. headers w/o CSP anything can be added to the page via a reflected XSS risk Anyth, can be added to the DOM downstream (on a proxy) With CSP the browser will only load resources you white-list; any violations can be reported Use e.g. to create it and the report to watch for violations to fine tune it. ### SQL injection cont’d (Yesterday: Error-Based) #### Union Based SQLi Modify the query to union whatever other data and show them. More data faster than error-based inj. Ex.: : V12 -> `V12′ union select voteid, comments collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS from vote– ` #### Blind Boolean (laborious) Blind inj.: We can’t always rely on data being explicitly returned to the UI => ask a question, draw a conclusion about the data. Ex: -> ordedby => case when (select count(*) from userprofile) > 1 then powerkw else topspeedkm end Extract email: Is ascii of the lowercase char #1 < ascii of m ? Automation: SqlMap #### Time based blind injection When no useful output returned but yes/no responses differ significantly in how much time they take. F.ex. ask the db to delay the OK response. MS SQL: IF ‘b’ > ‘a’ WAITFOR DELAY ’00:00:05′ ### Brute force attacks Are there any defences? Often not How are defences impl? block the req resources block the src IP rate limit (by src IP) ### Automation penetration testing apps and services such as Netsparker, WhiteHatSec targets identification: shodan, googledorks, randowm crawling think aout the actions that adhere to a pattern – sql injection, fuzzing (repeat a req. trying diff. values for fields – SQLi, …), directory enumeration automation can be used for good – test your site tip: have autom. penetration testing (and perhaps static code analysis) as a part fo your build pipeline Task: Get DB schema using sqlmap (see python2.7 –help) ### Protection Intrusion Detection System (IDS) – e.g. Snort Web Application Firewall (WAF) – e.g. CloudFare ($20/m)
June 27, 2015
by Jakub Holý