For most enterprises, the gating factor for a successful digital transformation will be how effectively and quickly they can adapt their existing technology strategies and practices to enable the modern-day, microservices-based apps that drive today’s hyperscale economy.
Hazelcast is hands down a great caching tool when it comes to a JVM based application. If you use Amazon Web Services, Hazelcast integrates wonderfully.
While many IoT posts focus on developing the things, this post focuses on the network that's connecting the things. But beyond the network, we'll also talk about the APIs involved. In this post, I'll specifically show you how to go about setting up blue dot functionality for indoor location services.
When putting a system together, you need to decide whether you're going to keep the code in one repository or split it across multiple repos. Here's some insight.
DataWeave is a powerful transformation language introduced with Mule Enterprise Edition 3.7. It allows you to transform data from one format to another and supports CSV, XML, JSON, Flat/Fixed Width (v3.8+) & Java. You can look at these DataWeave Examples to see it in action.
Node.js programmers often check the NODE_ENV environment variable, but did you know the value actually set for the it can have additional implications? Read on to find out what they are.
Sure, logging is hard for lumberjacks, but why does it have to be so hard for developers? How does ELK stack up when it comes to easing the pain of your log analysis?
It turns out that the encryption used by WhatsApp is built on elliptic curves. They can be a little complicated to explain but this article contains excellent information about it.
This post discusses some of the characteristics that distinguish native graph databases and why these characteristics are of interest to graph database users.