Learn more about SBOM (Software Bills of Materials), why you should use it, what the standards are, and how to automate it with Continuous Integration.
By the end of this tutorial, you will have built your own social app capable of algorithmically ranking image posts in an aggregated feed from your community.
Effective incident response (IR) playbooks are the best antidote to unpredictable attacks. Learn how to build a tailored guide for handling security incidents.
Being aware of the blind spots in an organization (and people) can go a long way toward defending against the unknowns. But where to start? Find out here.
Abiding by compliance is the most straightforward way to boost cybersecurity. Regulations include the NIST, CMMC, SOC-2, and more — here's what they all are.
This article explains some major properties of Web 3.0 in order to determine the associated complexities and intricacies linked with this emerging web version.
There is no universal cybersecurity solution. Nevertheless, there are a number of broad rules and best practices that can guide data center security initiatives.
This article of the series will allow readers to understand the open-source Ranger integration solution against “Scenario 3: OpenLDAP + Open-Source Ranger.”
In this article, we are going to learn about SQL Joins. I will explain how Devart SQL Complete works and how it is useful to developers who write SQL queries.