These key terms and definitions will give you a great place to start to jump into the microservices zone and start learning through tutorials, developer tips, and more!
If you are dealing with money or precision is a must, use BigDecimal. Otherwise, Doubles tend to be good enough. Let's dive into this concept a little more.
In this final part of our microservices architecture series, we will learn to enable a Eureka Naming Server and allow the microservices to communicate with it.
The best in class for improving time partitioning is pg_partman and today, we'll dig into getting time partitioning set up with your Citus database cluster using pg_partman.
RDF triple stores and labeled property graphs both provide ways to explore and graphically depict connected data. But the two are very different and each has different strengths in different use cases.
Today, we'll learn how to build a currency conversion microservice as part of this tutorial on setting up a microservices architecture with Spring Boot.
Ever wanted to build a real-time video object detection application? Well, we do just that in this post, with the view to having it work in autonomous cars!
In the first installment of this series, we'll learn about the concept of microservices and look at how to create a microservice with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Check out this month's compilation of IoT news and tutorials, including advice for getting started with IoT, building with Arduinos and RPis, and monetizing IoT data.