Big data, IoT, and AI have all contributed to the widespread use of personal info. The privacy debate is at a crossroads where the public, authorities, and companies must decide in which direction the industry will turn.
While many languages put information passing into the hands of developers, all data is passed by value in Java. See how to turn that restriction to your advantage.
When it comes to caching, what was once a nice-to-have it now a must-have. Check out this detailed article to learn everything you need to know about caching!
A terabyte is enormous in size. It’s difficult to put this into perspective, so let's try to understand it from two points of view: spatially and based on time.
TensorFlow and deep learning are things that corporations must now embrace. The coming flood of audio, video, and image data and their applications are key to success.
Apache Zeppelin — an open-source data analytics and visualization platform — helps us analyze the data to gain insight and to improve and enhance business decisions.
See how to get started with writing stream processing algorithms using Apache Flink. by reading a stream of Wikipedia edits and getting some meaningful data out of it.
Some quick stats: 656 million tweets go out per day, and 15,220,700 texts are sent every minute. This makes for LOTS of data. Read on for more shocking stats!
If you've been following software development news recently you probably heard about the new project called Apache Flink. I've already written about it a bit...