Learn how to set up an event-driven microservices architecture using Vert.x's Verticle class. This introductory post covers how to use and configure Vert.x.
Learn how to create a multipart POST or PUT request from scratch, and see a demo to create and update a file in Google Drive using both POST and PUT requests from JMeter.
This quick example demonstrates the usage of Docker Compose co-ordinating an Oracle NoSQL container and a dependent container running its (Java) client.
Neo4j has just released a new version of APOC, everyone's favorite stored procedure library for Neo4j 3.x. Come find out what's new and what it means for you!
In the first part of this tutorial, we introduced the Elm language by building a simple Elm Application that called an API. Now we'll authenticate with JSON Web Tokens to make protected API requests.
Any enterprise system is subject to the same fallacies as any other distributed system. Reliability, latency, bandwidth, security, the whole nine yards.