Utilizing the latest Spring frameworks to convert Java 8 dates inside of MongoDB, simplifying a once difficult conversion task. Great concise NoSQL and Java tutorial.
See how you can set up your own system using a combination of microservices, containers, Go, and MongoDB. In this scenario, see a fictional movie theater come to life.
This is the first in a six‑part series of blog posts that explore the new features in NGINX Plus R10 in depth. Let's start with authentication and JSON Web Tokens.
Check out a new tool in Ignite 1.7.0 — the ability to perform non-collocated distributed joins. At the cost of some performance, you are no longer tied to collocation.
If you're working with IoT, you're dealing with significant amounts of data you don't want to lose. You need a logging solution to responsibly manage your throughput.
Here's an overview of transparent persistence in action and why it can be an invaluable concept. Go through the steps of setting up your own persistent ORM.
In this article, I will guide you through the process of installing the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch 2.2.x, Logstash 2.2.x and Kibana 4.4.x) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).