This post shows how TiDB helps Zhihu eliminate their database bottleneck and horizontally scale their Hive Metastore database to meet the growing business needs.
Nowadays every application is moving to microservice architecture. In this architecture, API Gateway has an important role. Let's build a simple API gateway using Java.
Avoiding duplication is drilled into a programmer's head. How does the concept apply to user interfaces? How do you avoid re-writing HTML and CSS constantly?
Learn how VIPKid and TiDB excels in high data volume scenarios, along with multidimensional queries, data life cycle management, and real-time analytics.
Currently, when we test multi-thread Java we call the class under test by as many threads possible. This approach has the disadvantage that most of the time our faulty test succeeds which makes debugging multi-threaded bugs a nightmare. I, therefore, developed an open-source tool, vmlens, to make JUnit test of multi-threaded Java deterministic.
A developer discusses the process of migrating a large open source project to .NET Core 3.1 and provides tips for best practices with performance analysis.