This article reviews what kinds of compliance certifications and regulations exist, what they mean for developers, and how to begin the certification process.
Unit testing constitutes an integral part of the process of providing high-quality software. But, how can one write tests covering all variants of several operations? Read this article and learn how to use JUnit5 in conjunction with combinations, permutations, and products.
The increasing complexity of the software development task has been answered by an increasing number of tools for managing that development. Here's our top ALM solutions.
One of the more annoying parts of any coding project can be setting up your environment. In this post, we look at some ways to organize your data science project.
Word vectors will enable breakthroughs in NLP applications and research. They highlight the beauty of neural network DL and the power of learned representations of input data in hidden layers.
The progression into the digital age has been inevitable; for businesses to survive and thrive in this era, an understanding of these innovations is key.