Flyway makes database versioning almost trivially easy. You can put migration scripts in a directory of choice and the database will be magically migrated for you.
How do you set up the most productive environment for coding and testing, especially when the service in question depends upon other resources and services?
RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka are two of the most popular messaging technologies on the market today. Get the insight you need to choose the right software for you.
DataSynapse GridServer is a highly scalable infrastructure that enables app services to operate virtually. Learn about working with it and client implementation in Java.
This tutorial details how to build a RESTful Hello World API that complies to the JSON API specifications using the Katharsis, OkHttp, Spring Boot, and Maven frameworks.
Envoy is a powerful proxy that can be used to manage your traffic layer. Learn how to deploy a real application using Kubernetes, Postgres, Flask, and Envoy.
This post finishes a series on implementing microarchitecture with Apache Ignite. Learn to send requests to the microservices from external applications.
In the past, database approaches have required the translation of your data model design to the underlying data modeling language of the database. Redis reverses this.
In the past, getting an ASP.NET app up and running in the cloud would be nearly impossible. In this series, we take a look at how to bring such an animal to life.
You've made some changes to your code, so it's time to redeploy and sit around for five minutes! Or you could use DCEVM and HotswapAgent to turn it into seconds.