Sometimes when moving to a microservices-based architecture, latency creeps in. What can you do to fight it and keep it down? Look at some suggestions using Kubernetes.
Before picking a framework or a language, agree with your team on architecture. This sample Spring Boot app walks through a refactoring focusing on clean architecture.
Whether you're a network engineer or a software developer, being familiar with terms used to discuss data centers is important to any modern technology career.
Look at five scenarios for using Hystrix with other tools from the Netflix OSS stack like Feign and Ribbon and see how performance compares in each situation.
Serverless architecture brings plenty of advantages, but it's not right for everything. Not only are you locked into a vendor, your integration testing becomes tougher.
If your priority is the performance of queries on large amounts of data and you have a lot of RAM, an in-memory data grid is the right solution for you!
When I started an app with IntelliJ, it always took more than 60 seconds to start the deployed app. No one bothered to examine why, so I took the 30 minutes to do it.
Spring Boot can leverage any type of app, not only microservices. Let's build a JSF application with Spring Boot, covering integration and configuration along the way.
The newest official addition to the Beats family, Heartbeat, probes services to check if they are reachable or not. See how it works with the ELK stack.
Learn about how to take HBase backup of HBase data and tables in Hortonworks Sandbox 2.5. and all of the different ways that a backup can be taken for HBase datasets.
Google's API lets you communicate with their integration services. Learn to configure and connect Mule ESB with Google API, with code and a video tutorial.