Spring Boot and Swagger 2 play together very well. Just add the dependencies, one configuration file, and a bunch of annotations, and you're ready to go!
With cloud-native microservices, you can develop, test, deploy, and maintain independent lightweight services while combining various other technologies.
If you're loading your Spring context for every test, you have integration tests, not unit tests. These are slow! See, how to deal with the problem using Mockito.
If you want enhanced control over your endpoints, including tuning sensitivity and security, you should familiarize yourself with Spring Boot Actuator and its tools.
Accessing and configuring your MS SQL Server instance is pretty simple if you're using Spring Boot. After a bit of legwork, Spring fills in the defaults for you.
Taking a page from Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, this effort examines what microservices need from the org, orchestration, and infrastructure — all with a cloud bent.
These days, many developers work on a project on the same server at the same time — but we still need to be able to schedule app updates the server whenever we want to.
Having functional software architecture can greatly minimize costs, open up possibilities for reuse, and allow you to to translate design endeavors to great heights.
Modern load-intensive apps require a lot of work. You have to be sure that you're using your resources efficiently and getting the highest performance you can.