No longer do you have to manage multiple Dockerfiles and use the Builder Pattern. Now, you can save time by creating a multi-stage build process for your Java apps.
ElasticSearch is an open-source, broadly distributable, readily scalable, enterprise-grade search engine. Look more closely into what it is, its advantages, and stats.
In-memory data grids are often used to enhance performance. Learn how to use Hazelcast for caching data stored in the MySQL database accessed by Spring Data DAO objects.
During this post, we talk about what microservices are, the architecture of a photo-sharing app, how to bootstrap the app, and how to scale parts of the application.
Sometimes when moving to a microservices-based architecture, latency creeps in. What can you do to fight it and keep it down? Look at some suggestions using Kubernetes.
Before picking a framework or a language, agree with your team on architecture. This sample Spring Boot app walks through a refactoring focusing on clean architecture.
Whether you're a network engineer or a software developer, being familiar with terms used to discuss data centers is important to any modern technology career.
Look at five scenarios for using Hystrix with other tools from the Netflix OSS stack like Feign and Ribbon and see how performance compares in each situation.