Install Jenkins cluster Hosting for Continuous Integration. Automate continuous integration and delivery of your applications with Jenkins DevOps Pack.
In this post, I present CRUD operations on deeply nested comments, stored in a relational database via Spring Boot and Spring Data. The approach is scalable but uses only JPQL and very few pessimistic locks.
In this post I demonstrate a schema, an entity, a DTO, and a continuous fraction index, for JPQL-only CRUD operations on deeply nested comments in relational databases.
Setting up Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools is time-consuming. Thankfully, some solutions already exist. Let's look at the top 6 SAST solutions.
Logs, audit logs, and security events are secure system must-haves, helping monitor ongoing behavior and providing forensic evidence. Let's cut through complexity.
With the newly open sourced Twitter HBC, a Java HTTP library for consuming Twitter’s Streaming API, we can easily create a Kafka twitter stream producer.