Learn the steps to integrate Microsoft Outlook and Mulesoft with Oauth 2.0 authentication so you can read or write to a mailbox using modern authentication.
Data security is paramount in custom software development. Here are 6 key security strategies to ensure customs software remains secure and data is protected.
Blockchain is the solution to the challenge of the Internet of Nano Things. Blockchain will lead IoNT to an era of trust, security, and decentralization.
In addition to zero trust, using appropriate tooling like SASE can help secure an organization’s IT infrastructure from threats posed by third-party access.
Learn how Xmake's support for C/C++ package management has been continuously improved and discover some useful package management features that have been added.
Read more here about how VPNs help software developers to enhance general online security and privacy while also offering great speed and server connection.
The most important responsibility of an MSSP is to help its clients mitigate the risk of ransomware attacks. Unfortunately, the threat of ransomware is real and growing.
This article provides a complete guide on SSO to find its pros, cons, and other aspects. We explain the SSO meaning, what SSO stands for, how secure SSO is, etc.
API misconfigurations and the attacks they attract occur more regularly than you might anticipate. Strengthen your API security using these best practices.
Looking over the top 11 cloud platforms for Internet of Things (IoT), we highlight the importance of scalability, cost, and connectivity. Click here for more.