StreamSets Data Collector Edge is a lightweight agent used to create end-to-end data flow pipelines. We'll use it help stream data collected from a sensor.
Though it's tough, this developer admits he hadn't heard of this plugin until recently. If you're in the same boat, read to get an overview of this great security tool.
Still wrapping your head around DI? Let's explore the philosophy and functionality behind it, then see how Guice, or any other such framework, can help.
Some people use the terms Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection interchangeably. Let's see how they're different and how they can work together.
With the OSS Cluster API, Redis Enterprise 5.0 can easily scale linearly by just adding shards to the database and nodes to the cluster — as proven by this benchmark.
Big data continues to get bigger, and is increasingly analyzed in the cloud or on the edge. Explore this and more intriguing information in this research article.