These key terms and definitions will give you a great place to start to jump into the microservices zone and start learning through tutorials, developer tips, and more!
If you are dealing with money or precision is a must, use BigDecimal. Otherwise, Doubles tend to be good enough. Let's dive into this concept a little more.
In this final part of our microservices architecture series, we will learn to enable a Eureka Naming Server and allow the microservices to communicate with it.
Learn how to create a VM image that can be run locally to provide a local NFS mount that transparently transfers files copied to the mount to an S3 bucket.
In the world of testing, two frameworks are often compared to one another: JUnit and Spock. We take a look at both to help see which one might be right for your next project.
Today, we'll learn how to build a currency conversion microservice as part of this tutorial on setting up a microservices architecture with Spring Boot.
Ansible is commonly used for deploying and testing in CI. The Ansible Run Analysis tool makes its large amounts of console data available and more readable for users.
If you're interested in Jenkins, review this article about how to use the performance plugin to get an accurate measure of your application's load capacity.