Windows Azure Service Bus is a brokered, scalable, multi-featured messaging queuing system. It's a reliable message queuing and durable publish/subscribe system.
Anypoint validations alert you if a message doesn't meet specific criteria. There's even a way to build your own custom validator to match your requirements.
MuleSoft Anypoint Studio's StudioVisual Debugger allows you to run your app in debug mode and stop its execution to check the contents of previous building blocks.
Test your backup and restore procedures right after you install your cluster. Backups are a waste of time and space if they don't work and you can't get your data back!
Apache Hive is a powerful tool for analyzing data. It's very important that you know how to improve the performance of query when you are processing petabytes of data.
Jenkins' Pipeline Plugin offers a simple way to configure all steps in the same place. You can do almost everything inside your pipeline without any additional plugins.
Importing CSVs is a great timesaver, but how do you get around the null values lurking within? Fortunately, we can work our way toward a query that handles them in Neo4j.
These days, many developers work on a project on the same server at the same time — but we still need to be able to schedule app updates the server whenever we want to.
Sub-flows are helpful whether you want to process messages synchronously or asynchronously. They are useful when it comes to code re-use, breaking down flows, and more.
If you're planning to invest in connected devices, make sure your middleware and communications are up to snuff. In this case, we look a how to mix Camel with a Pi.
If you have an EC2 instance running and you have root access to this EC2 instance, then you can install MongoDB with authentication on EC2 AMI Linux in eight easy steps.