Both Kafka and Docker are pretty complex technologies, and it can be difficult to determine where to get started once you’re sure that they’re the right fit for the problem you’re solving. To keep things simple for this tutorial, we’ll create one producer, one consumer, and one Kafka instance.
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Modern cloud environments are ever-changing, and so is the nature of cloud computing. The growing cloud assets accompany the attack surface expansion problem for organizations, which unveils the need for visibility of cloud resources. AWS Config addresses that exact demand.
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Groovy Database Can Be a Powerful Tool There are coders all around the world right now working on some of the most challenging coding problems that are out there. They are all likely relying on using Groovy database at least to some extent as this is a major player in the industry. People from all over the world recognize the true power of Groovy database and all that it can provide to them from a coding perspective, but the fact that it is such a powerful tool should not be ignored. If you want to advance very far with Groovy database at all, you will need to make sure you have a firm grasp on what it is and why it is so useful to coders all around the world. How it Compares to Java Most people are familiar with Java and have likely used it in their coding adventures at some point. It is a primary tool that has helped with the coding of numerous projects that you are likely familiar with already. Java is a great place to get started, but it doesn't necessarily compare so well to Groovy when they go head to head. It depends on what you are trying to get done, but the use of Groovy trumps Java for most developers. The reason is that most developers prefer to work with a system that has been specifically created for them. Groovy is that system. Everything that it offers is crafted with the developer in mind, and most agree that it is more user-friendly from a developer's point of view. This means that you don't have to waste your time trying to figure out how to work the very system that you are just trying to make some progress on in the first place. Java users are frequently frustrated by their inability to get as much done as they might like to because they are constantly running into brick walls when it comes to how they develop the systems that they need to develop. Most people significantly prefer it if they are able to cut away everything else and simply get to the root of the problem that they are working on. Then, and only then, can they truly begin to formulate a strategy that will allow them to create something that the world will gravitate towards. I am a big fan of using SQL in java and C# software. I typically dislike the usage of ORM frameworks like Hibernate. I feel that ORMs tend to hide a lot of issues. They also tend to have a higher learning curve. I am not sure that the ROI on deeply learning an ORM is sufficient enough to use. However, there are a lot of pitfalls that come with being so close to the SQL. The largest of which is proper resource handling. If database connections are not closed properly, the application will soon become starved of available connections. This post contains a simple example of using Groovy Categories to help manage the resource management of database connections. There are a lot more robust solutions (ie: GORM), but sometimes you only need a quick implementation. To accomplish our goal, we will be using a static closure defined below. The OpenDatabase class is merely a container for the closure. I think the final implementation of the code reads nicely because of the name. OpenDatabase.groovy import groovy.sql.Sql class OpenDatabase { def static with = { DbConnection conn, Closure closure -> Sql sql try { sql = conn.getConnection() if (closure) { closure(sql) } } finally { sql.close() } } } The DbConnection class is a simple interface for creating the groovy.sql.Sql object. DbConnection.groovy import groovy.sql.Sql; public interface DbConnection { Sql getConnection(); } Below is the sample usage of these two classes. OpenDatabase.with(dbConnector) { sql -> sql.execute("insert into BLAH...") } The database connection will be closed after closure exits. Simple, easy resource handling. The groovy way. The original article can be found at Applying Mass Data to Problems One of the upsides to Groovy database handling is that you don't always hear about is the fact that you can apply massive amounts of data to the issues that you are attempting to take care of today. The beauty of this is the fact that much of that data will prove very useful to you as you work on trying to figure out exactly what it is that people want from your projects. The more data you have, and the more data that you can apply, the better the outcome will be for yourself and others. Groovy allows you to input all of the data that you require all at once so you aren't constantly left struggling to try to figure out which steps you need to take next and how you will get things done. Simply use Groovy to get the results that you need, and you will be all set. A large amount of data is always preferable to use because it will help you figure out what is truly going on within the scope of what you are working on. Any single piece of data could be an outlier, but when you have a major data dump to go through, you know that you are getting the most relevant information right away. Endless Possibilities Groovy has made it so much easier for developers to work out what they will do to get their code set up just right that it has truly performed an amazing service that we should all be grateful for. This is why we need to note that the possibilities are virtually endless when working with Groovy and the tools that this service has provided. It is a very big deal when you get your code to sync up just perfectly, and that is what you get when you use the Groovy system. There are now so many people working within the system that it has grown much larger than some of its competitors. That is why we anticipate that many interesting developments are going to come out of it. When you have that many people working that hard all within the same system, you are generally going to get some pretty outstanding results to come out of this. You need to account for that fact and understand that there are numerous upsides to using a system that works just like that. A Great Place for Starters Those who are just taking on the coding world for the first time need to look at Groovy as the kind of place where they can start to hone their skills. It is not necessarily the first area that people necessarily think of when they are looking over different coding programs to get started with, but it is where they should begin. The controls are so much more refined for the kind of person who is just getting started, and that means that it is the ideal training ground for someone who is truly eager to learn the system and get to work within it. People who are just starting their coding journey should be excited to have the resources available to them to get started in this way. It can all prove extremely useful in the long run.