In this post, I'll outline the top trends shaping the future of open-source database programs and highlight a few example projects where you can help lead the way.
Node.js IDE helps to make the development process simpler by debugging and JavaScript code assisting. Check out this list of the six best Node.js IDEs.
ID generation on the client-side is not as simple as it seems. In JPA and Hibernate, we can use UUIDs, custom strategies, and dedicated ID generation servers.
In this series, we’ll take a look at the Salesforce Mobile SDK, a toolkit that addresses many of these technical challenges for developers building apps.
In this blog, we'll explore the top 10 Infrastructure as Code tools to automate complex and time-consuming deployment tasks and boost productivity in DevOps.
In this post, I'll share data mapping best practices in regards to data migration and data integration – the types of data mapping, approaches, and common tools.
In this interview, Kirke Everson - principal low-code practice leader, US gov and public sector at KPMG, talks about the rise of low-code development and automation.
In the video, we take a closer look at Domain Logic Design Patterns in Java including the transaction script, domain model, table module, and service layer.
In this article, we'll understand what bounded context is, why do we need it, and how it helps businesses achieve the domain-driven design model through logical frames.
In this post, we will learn how to create a GraphQL Schema using GraphQL.js. We will use the express-graphql package to handle the webserver part of the application.
An introduction to making a REST API call in the Angular framework using code snippets from Blog application use case to demonstrate its implementation.
CRUD-based Architecture has always been a popular choice with DevOps, but can DevOps and Architects benefit from moving to Event Sourcing-based architecture?
You can use some powerful solutions for system authorization but if you want to reduce the number of dependencies, you can write something of your own.