ClickHouse accelerates queries using SIMD and optimizes block processing. It picks the best function implementation, boosting performance on AVX2 processors.
Enhance performance and scalability using database scaling strategies like indexing, vertical scaling, sharding, denormalization, caching, and replication.
Dive a little deeper to explore real-time data subscriptions by using GraphQL to automatically receive server-side updates with help from a WebSocket consumer.
Are you confused between obfuscation and encryption or when to use each technique? Read this guide to get a clear understanding of obfuscation and encryption.
This article discusses programmatically merging XLSX files into a single document as well as open-source and web API solutions for automating this workflow.
Data at rest encryption is vital in cybersecurity, securing stored data from unauthorized access and breaches. It ensures that even if data is stolen, it remains unreadable.
Understand the role and function of critical Terraform files and structure their folders to optimize the efficiency and scalability of your cloud resources.
DDD is an important strategic approach to software development. In this article, explore 10 things to avoid in DDD and examples to illustrate these pitfalls.
In Java, there are two types of floating-point numbers: float and double. Follow an explanation about why floating numbers in Java is not what you might expect.
Explore key strategies for effective data management in AI projects, including real-time access, federated queries, and data literacy for developers and engineers.
Target the goal of getting expressive code: leveraging Java Proxy technology to implement an intuitive and fluent DSL to enhance the user-developer experience.
Surprisingly, cybersecurity could be as simple as following best practices, which ideally should be integrated into the culture itself. Learn more in this post.
Learn more about CEP, how it addresses a key challenge in real-time processing by detecting patterns in data streams, and compare FlinkCEP and RisingWave.