Has JavaScript become better for server-side development than Java? It might just depend on the app under development. I can hear the moans from the Java devs now...
Regardless of what your team calls this phenomenon, the important thing is to look for ways to integrate testing into every development and operations activity.
One dev was tasked with finding a JSON dataset example to enliven his org's training course on getting and using semi-structured data within Snowflake. See how he did it!
Unless you are in the development stone age and SSHing into the production servers to hand edit files with Vim or Emacs, your development environment is not the same as production.
We're huge fans of open source and knowledge sharing. Read on to learn how to upload your JS files (and knowledge) to the open-source Moodle learning platform.
If you've ever encountered frustrating errors when working with these big data frameworks, read on to learn how to solve them (and stop pulling your hair out)!