AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam is one of the toughest exams in tech today. This article provides details on the knowledge required to pass the exam.
We want to avoid being locked into one identity provider. Here, see a demo of how to use OpenID Connect using Google underneath and then switch to Azure.
This article provides information on AWS multi-account strategies and the necessary services required for constructing a landing zone with guide visuals.
In this article, get up and running fast with AWS Lambda’s provisioned concurrency, and SnapStart features. Get faster response times and reduced latency.
This article looks at the features, limitations, and important selling points of eleven popular observability tools to help you select the best one for your project.
With AWS Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs that expose your data and business to developers, who can then build great applications that consume your API.
Readers will get a better understanding of DevOps tools for SaaS companies, infrastructure management, infrastructure automation, CI/CD pipelines, and more.
This article presents the features and advantages of Microsoft Azure Service Fabric, a platform that simplifies the creation and administration of microservices.
This article briefly explains what ODD and TDD means. What the similarities and differences between ODD and TDD are and best practices for implementation.
John Willis, co-author of The DevOps Handbook and Investments Unlimited, explores what we really mean by DevSecOps and approaches to Modern Governance.
In this article, we will explore the process of utilizing the Blackbox Exporter to extract metrics from endpoints, as well as its integration with Datadog and Prometheus.