Learn how to automate WordPress deployments with DigitalOcean and Buddy CI/CD, a user-friendly tool offering continuous integration and continuous deployment.
Software Development Models are integral to the success (or failure) of a project. Here are 7 models you should know, from Waterfall to the V-Model to Scrum.
DevOps, CI/CD, and Agile are all methodologies and approaches that have gained attention in the QA and testing fields. See the importance of continuous testing.
DevOps does more than just combining Agile development concepts with IT operations. So, what are the other ‘Ops’ to consider? And how do they compare to DevOps?
Schema Registry acts as a service layer for metadata. It stores a versioned history of all the schema of registered data streams and schema change history.
Impose guidelines as verifiable JUnit tests using ArchUnit. It guarantees that a software version will be discontinued if an architectural violation is introduced.
We show a simple TypeScript pattern for building unit test dummies. We focus on simplicity so tests emphasize what's important and avoid incidental details.