Salesforce offers various ways to integrate data/apps hosted on on-premise and cloud systems. Let's review the various salesforce CRM integration options.
Trying to get the right number of GPUs for a deep learning workstation can be tricky. Here’s how to optimize your deep learning workstation without blowing your budget.
Set up the right data pipeline for a continuous flow of new data for all your data science, artificial intelligence, ML, and decision intelligence projects.
Learn how data synthesis together with data pipelines can offer a scalable solution to create consistent data resembling real-world needs for testing systems.
What are the advantages of ETL? Is ETL preferable to ELT for your data pipeline use cases? Why and when is reverse ETL valuable for your data warehouse (DW)?
Let's discuss the Lambda and Kappa architectural styles for data processing at the edge and look at a retail banking customer experience example for Kappa.
Is it possible to facilitate the creation of event-driven architecture with already available REST APIs? The short answer is yes. Here are some thoughts on how.