In this article, let us see five reasons for using camel-k and how it is different from a normal camel application deployed in Kubernetes or OpenShift.
Aura and LWC (Lightning web Components) can communicate with each other using Public APIs and Events. LWC can be embedded into Aura, but not vice versa.
Swift Mailer is easy to use with any PHP framework. Swift Mailer is compatible with many SMTP servers. It is utilized to create and send emails from the apps.
Today I am going to provide an example of a small microservices-based application with a Eureka discovery server to register all the microservice in it.
This article defines setting up Hazelcast server and client. Here,Spring is used for performing CRUD and java utilities are standalone classes for nodes set-up.
Key DevSecOps solutions available and their benefits and pitfalls through a series of evaluating different tools for Technical Architects and Engineering Teams.
There are many data grid offerings in the market that tout enhanced capabilities to display and manage analysis. We set out to see which popular offerings can withstand the true test of performance as it relates to “Big Data”.