Learn how to perform anomaly detection using Kafka Streams with an example of a loan payment website that needs to send an alert if the payment is too high.
See how to get started with writing stream processing algorithms using Apache Flink. by reading a stream of Wikipedia edits and getting some meaningful data out of it.
If you've been following software development news recently you probably heard about the new project called Apache Flink. I've already written about it a bit...
Network security is a crucial part of any of Software as a Service type business. Read on to see how to implement OpenShift to create better network security.
With a blogger's attempt to install Windows 95 on VirtualBox on a MacOS box not ending well, he tries Windows 98 in the same environment. Will he be successful?
Learn about advanced load testing scenarios with JMeter and XMPP, a communication services protocol which can be used for services like HipChat or Slack.