The Jakarta EE Ambassadors are thrilled to see Jakarta EE 10 being released! This is a milestone release that bears great significance to the Java ecosystem.
AWS Database Migration Service provides heterogeneous migrations between different platforms. See the migration scenario between DocumentDB and MongoDB Atlas on AWS.
The problem lies squarely with the unavailability of the environment outside the compiler. Without its environment, testing an annotation processor is a lost cause.
WebAuthn is the FIDO Protocol that defines a passwordless means of authentication. This article gives a rundown of the process and how the user sees it.
This is yet another part of an interesting experiment with FerretDB and CockroachDB. This time, we're going to expand on the previous articles by looking at the multi-region capabilities in CockroachDB.
For our latest StackPod episode, we invited StackState senior engineer Melcom van Eeden to talk about OpenTelemetry: What is it and is it the future of observability?
Whether it’s extra efficiency or the project's sheer size, manual testing can’t always be your only option. But how do you prepare the QA team for test automation?
Dive into the successor of the Nose framework, Nose2. Like Nose, Nose2 extends the unittest framework and can be used extensively for Selenium test automation.
When the applications are complex, with many requests to the network, various tools and libraries can help you to work with the network and search for problems.
User Acceptance testing is considered to be both unique and significant as the tester is someone who is not part of the organization and who has built the product.