One simple flaw in app design or a misconfigured web server can potentially cause huge revenue losses. Read on to understand how web app pen testing is carried out.
A developer and Hadoop expert runs through the processes he and his team used to transfer their data over network with TLS encryption when switching to Azure.
The C++ memory model is one of the least well-understood parts of the C++ standard and a common source of confusion, yet it is indispensable when writing high performant code using atomic operations.
It has been observed when we configure and deploy a multi-node Hadoop cluster or add new DataNodes, there is an SSH permission issue in communication with Hadoop daemons.
Java applications are complied to bytecode then JIT and JVM takes care of code execution. Here you will find some insights about how JIT compiler works.
Kafka Connect assumes a significant part for streaming data between Apache Kafka and other data systems. Importing data from the Database set to Kafka topic.
In this article, we discuss how the demand for software is higher than ever. Lines of code govern almost everything we do in our day-to-day activities.
Cloud Governance is a set of rules, processes, and policies involved in the planning, architecture, etc., that guide the management and use of cloud computing services.
SOAP, being a mature technology, has an extensive and often differently interpreted standard set. This article discusses how to call SOAP services using REST.